A way of being paid for visiting exotic places? A glorious opportunity for sharing your passion for your favorite building/statue/ painting?
Forget the tedious nursemaid aspect of the role, and think of the satisfaction derived from passing on your enthusiasm to others!
For a general introduction to what being a tour guide is all about, see: http://www.careerframes.com/articles/tour_pro.htm
how to become a tour guide: http://www.ehow.com/how_138394_become-tour-guide.html
Assoc of Professional Tourist Guides http://www.amicustheunion.org/default.aspx?page=974
Would you like to know how to research the history of your town? To find out who lived there and why? History Walkers (UK) is looking for new communities to train and become the experts on the History and development of their town or village and start a paid Local Tour Guides Social Enterprise. Think that there is nothing to say!! You will be surprised what you will find out. For more information see the Margate History Walkers at www.historywalkers.co.uk or email historywalkers@tesco.net or call 01843 223300 (Lynn Jackson)